Malignant 8cm tumor (lymphoma) encases the heart of California photographer Mike Lim shortly after COVID-19 booster shot. Turbo cancer post mRNA vaccination?

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Alameda, California resident Mike Lim, who works for a medical device company and is also a photographer, had a COVID-19 booster shot in June 2022. Shortly after, he woke up one day with a swollen face and neck, shortness of breath and chest pains. He went to the hospital but they sent him back claiming it was allergies. (click here)

A few months later, Mike’s chest showed black and blue veins and some blood clots. Finally, on October 24, 2022, Mike got an X-ray, which showed an 8.1 x 6.9 cm tumor mass in the middle of his chest. On Nov 4, a CT scan concluded that the tumor was wrapped around the return vein of the heart. Biopsy confirmed it was an inoperable lymphoma (NHL).

Through his cancer journey, he has had to deal with his PICC line failing 4 times on his right arm, and 3 additional times on his left arm. Infusion nurses saw hematoma bruising (blood clots), which cause him to be sent to the ER, where he was prescribed blood-thinning needles daily.

This case reminds me very much of the first reported “turbo cancer” case in the literature that I wrote a substack about on Feb.20, 2023 (click here).

This was a 66 yo man who had 2 Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and developed an aggressive lymphoma 6 months later (left image). In preparation for chemotherapy, doctors gave him a Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA booster shot (!!!). Within a few days, the patient reported “considerable swelling of neck lymph nodes”. Fortunately, his doctors wanted another PET/CT scan to have a more precise baseline scan before his chemotherapy, so they did one 8 days after the COVID-19 booster shot.

In the image on the right, the lymphoma effectively exploded all over the body, growing and spreading to new groups of lymph nodes in new locations.

This is a tragic story and Mike Lim is most likely a victim of COVID-19 vaccine induced turbo cancer, in this case an aggressive lymphoma that is encasing his heart.

Lymphoma involvement of the heart is uncommon, seen in 10-20% of cases, and seen mostly in patients with acquired immuno-deficiencies (click here).

However, if this is a primary cardiac lymphoma, that is extremely rare, with a frequency of 0.002% (click here)

Mike is not aware that his lymphoma was probably COVID-19 vaccine induced. It may have been growing already after first 2 doses and then the growth could have accelerated after his COVID-19 booster shot.

He’s had a very difficult cancer treatment course as his veins are damaged and he is now on blood thinners daily due to blood clots.

The location of the lymphoma is also interesting, given that the COVID-19 vaccine spike protein tends to target the heart very frequently.

**Source: Malignant 8cm tumor (lymphoma) encases the heart of California photographer Mike Lim shortly after COVID-19 booster shot. Turbo cancer post mRNA vaccination?

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