Is Dr. Malone Invested in Humanity or Transhumanism?

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March 18, 2023: It was decided years ago to lie to global citizens about the end-game use of gene-editing nanotechnologies and the convergence of the digital world with the human body. Biotechnology is quite literally the science of turning technology into new life forms and turning natural life forms into new technologies.

Transhumanism is the sector of the biotechnology industry that integrates Ai and nanotechnologies with the human body.

In a recent interview with Glenn Beck, Dr. Robert Malone describes mRNA ‘vaccines’ as the entry point for the suite of technologies that can modify humans through forced biological and mechanical genetic mutations. This is also known as transhumanism or Directed Evolution.

“Transhumanism is the technology suite, I think, is the best way to put it, around the idea of the both mechanical and biological modification of humans. The RNA (mRNA)vaccines as an entry point (to transhumanism).” – Dr. Robert Malone

You can watch the clip here as well.

During the interview, Dr. Malone explains how the mRNA (RNA) ‘vaccines’ are the ‘ethical entry’ point to transhumanism. Dr. Malone describes transhumanism as the suite of nanotechnologies used to force or direct the the evolution of humans with non-human DNA and inorganic material (such as metallic-based electromagnetic molecules).

Let’s be honest, the outcome of the use of mRNA technology in humans can only result in the destruction of the human body (severe disease or death) as part of the process of creating hybrid humanoid bodies that can integrate with the digital realm.

Doctor Robert Malone: It’s not a conspiracy, transhumanism. They talk about the RNA vaccines as an entry point, just kind of opening that space ethically and otherwise. So, that’s part of the push for why these particular products (mRNA vaccines), is it relates to that transhumanism agenda.

Glenn Beck: Explain for anybody who doesn’t know, transhumanism, explain it break it down?

Doctor Robert Malone: So, transhumanism is the technology suite, I think, is the best way to put it, around the idea of the both mechanical and biological modification of humans.

So there you have it. mRNA technology was invented for and being used to destroy humanity and create a new hybrid humanoid species.

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As Dr. Malone stated in the interview, transhumanism is both the biological and mechanical modifications of humans using mRNA vaccines as an entry point. The creation of a biodigital humanoid species (transhumanis) is not a conspiracy and Dr. Malone’s mRNA ‘vaccine’ technology is the entry point, per Dr. Malone’s own words!

In a recent Yahoo! Finance article, Elon Musk says that humanoids will eventually outnumber humans (homo sapiens) resulting in devastating economic impact.

“I think we might exceed a one-to-one ratio of humanoid robots to humans. It’s not even clear what an economy is at that point.” – Elon Musk

Here’s another question, if humans are in charge of manufacturing humanoid robots, how on earth would humanoids outnumber 7.5 billion humans? Why would we intentionally create a global threat to humanity and our economy by manufacturing our human replacements?

Hint: The Humanoids are not being made in a factory.

One of the following 3 scenarios have to be true for Elon Musk’s humanoid replacement of humans to be true.

  1. Humans are being exterminated to reduce the 1/1 humanoid replacement ratio down from 7.5 billion to something more manageable.
  2. Humans are being converted into humanoids using mRNA technology and biosynthesis to produce hybrid biodigital cells inside of humans (transhumanism), (as Dr. Malone explains in his interview with Glenn Beck).
  3. 1 and 2 are both true and we all need to call mRNA technology a bioweapon.

I hate to break it to the inventors of mRNA ‘vaccine’ technologies, including Dr. Malone, who believe that when they are falsely representing gene-editing nanotechnologies that are being used for the purposes of forceably directing the evolution of humans to merge with digital technologies and express DNA from insects and reptiles, this is not ethical. mRNA ‘vaccines’ are grossly unethical, demonic in nature, and an act of global biowarfare.

mRNA ‘vaccine’ technology research, development, and now deployment on the global civilian population is for the purposes of biowarfare. mRNA technology has no clinically proven benefit to prevent infection, disease, or death. If you don’t believe me, the Russian Military Chief of Nuclear and Biowarfare, Lieutenant General Krillilov, cites my work and affirms that the mRNA vaccines are, by definition, agents of biowarfare per 18 USC 175.


Dr. Malone has embarked on a 2 -year campaign to persuade us to call this evil invention something good, like a vaccine or therapy. Words influence the way we think. The last thing the inventors of transhumanistic mRNA nanotechnologies want us to do is to accurately identify mRNA technology as a bioweapon. If we were successful in calling mRNA what it is, a bioweapon, people would then be able to think clearly about how evil and devastatingly harmful mRNA technology is and articulate the crimes that have been committed against them.

I will not call mRNA technology a ‘vaccine’ or ‘gene-editing therapy’. Vaccines and medical therapies are supposed to be used for the good of humanity. mRNA technology is a demonically-inspired bioweapon that is being used for the destruction of God’s greatest creation, humanity.

Be wise. Be well. Challenge the lies and false narratives.


Isaiah 5:20

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,
who put darkness for light, and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Lieutenant General Krillilov, the Russian Military Chief of Nuclear and Biowarfare, cites my med-legal analysis in his most recent global briefing on Pfizer’s role in the use of mRNA technology bioweapons on civilians under the guise of ‘safe and effective vaccines’ and has launched a global criminal prosecution case against Pfizer. Lieutenant General Krillilov cites my work and affirms that the mRNA vaccines are by definition agents of biowarfare per 18 USC 175.

If you want America to take control of this biowarfare nightmare, please reach out to government leaders and powerful media influencers to request for me to present the evidence that can take down Pfizer and stop the mRNA technology platform dead in its tracks. I can be reached through

**Source: Is Dr. Malone Invested in Humanity or Transhumanism?

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