Health Officials Caught Deploying Fear and Staging Coverup

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  • In a March 5, 2023, memorandum, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic laid out evidence showing Dr. Anthony Fauci prompted the creation of a paper to “disprove” the lab leak theory, and that the authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal
  • According to the Subcommittee, while Dr. Jeremy Farrar — former head of the Wellcome Trust and now chief scientist for the World Health Organization — is not credited as having had any involvement with the fabricated paper, evidence suggests he actually led the drafting process, and “made direct edits” to the paper
  • The Telegraph has reviewed more than 100,000 leaked WhatsApp messages sent between health officials, ministers and other government officials, showing the British government was intentionally deploying scare tactics to force compliance with lockdowns and other COVID measures
  • Then-health secretary Matt Hancock said he wanted to “deploy” a new COVID variant to “frighten the pants off” the public. One of his media advisers, Damon Poole, agreed with the plan, saying “Yep that’s what will get proper behavior change”
  • The messages show officials mocking travelers forced into quarantine and other deplorable behaviors. They also show decisions were made on the fly, for political reasons rather than scientific ones

In January 2022, House Oversight Committee Republicans released a batch of emails sent to and from the National Institutes of Health (NIH),1,2,3 showing that scientists in the earliest days of the pandemic strongly suspected SARS-CoV-2 was a genetically engineered virus.

The correspondence also revealed that NIH leaders — Dr. Anthony Fauci and then-NIH chief Dr. Francis Collins — were nervous about the possibility that they’d funded the creation of this virus and were determined to suppress questions about its origin.

Fauci, Collins and at least 11 scientists convened for a conference call February 1, 2020, during which they discussed the evidence for genetic manipulation. Yet, no more than three days later, by February 4, four of the participants had already drafted a paper titled “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” in which they dismissed the possibility of a lab origin for the virus.

One of the authors of this paper, Kristian Andersen, Ph.D., a professor at Scripps Research, has so far insisted that Fauci did not attempt to influence the working group’s conclusions.

In a letter to Sens. James Comer and Jim Jordan, Scripps Research — answering questions on Andersen’s behalf — claimed that Andersen “objectively weighted all the evidence available to him.” In a March 5, 2023, memorandum,4,5 the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic laid out evidence showing that this assertion is “demonstrably false.”

Fauci and Collins Prompted Creation of ‘Proximal Origin’…

According to the Select Subcommittee, the evidence available clearly shows that Fauci did indeed prompt Andersen to write…

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