Intended Consequences: The Payout

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March 1, 2023: In a February 23, 2023, article, “After Long Delay, Moderna Pays NIH for COVID-19 Vaccine Technique,” the New York Times reported that, “Moderna paid $400 million to the government (NIH) for a chemical technique key to its vaccine. But the parties are still locked in a high-stakes dispute over a different patent.”

The New York Times reported that Moderna’s $400 million dollar payout was for the ‘technique’ developed by Jason McClellan (Dartmouth), Barney Graham (NIH), and Andy Ward Scripps LaJolla, UCSD) “to lock the spike protein in place to illicit the strongest possible immune response.”

Sounds like an altruistic valiant effort where the good guys actually came out on top, right? WRONG. These men created, patented and collected $400 million dollars in royalty payments for creating a synthetic pathogen for use as a bioweapon on civilian populations and they publicly published their criminal intentions. Some of the details regarding their criminal intent can be found in the article Intended Consequences.

Source: Intended Consequences: The Payout – by Karen Kingston

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