‘Woke’ School Urges Students to Stop Using Gendered Terms ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’

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WHAT?!?! Yep, you read that right. Now they don’t want you to call your mom and dad, mom and dad! Our entire culture has gone so far insane with this garbage that it’s just unbelievable! God help us!

Instead of “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays,” the 12-page guide instructs students to say “Have a great break!”

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An elite New York City school warns staff, students, and parents to stop using words like “mom” and “dad” because they are inappropriate terms.

Instead, the Grace Church School, which charges $57,000 a year, urges the k-12 “community” to use “grown-ups,” “folks,” “family,” or guardians.

The City Journal reported on a 12-page memo, showing how “woke” ideology is influencing elite education.


Read the full story here: Source: ‘Woke’ School Urges Students to Stop Using Gendered Terms ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ | Todd Starnes

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