Big Pharma now pushing medications known to CAUSE more blood clots

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The new version of the “New World Order” that is seeking depopulation of the planet by several billion people is well under way, and it’s no conspiracy theory either. Up until three years ago, the main sources of population reduction were processed food, pesticides, and prescription medications, but now, there’s a new “sheriff in town,” and the mass slaughtering is taking place by clot shot submission. No other nick name than “clot shots” is more appropriate for the Fauci Flu jabs, the Wuhan virus stabs, the Bill Gates gene mutation injections, the DNA-altering mRNA spike protein prion “vaccines.”

Right now, as you read this, billions of people around the globe are suffering the consequences (side effects) of vascular clots from the so-called Covid “vaccines,” including myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots, and guess what the doctors are doing about it? They’re prescribing medications that cause MORE clots, including hematoma in the brain, vital organs, and ovaries. It’s the clot shot double down, and the allopathic sheeple are heading straight off the health cliff, just like the globalists and big pharma goons planned.

Have you watched regular TV lately? The commercials are worse than ever before, and the prescription drug advertisements are like something out of the movie “Idiocracy.” No person in their right mind would take these medications, and that’s why in America, the water is fluoridated, the flu shots are loaded with mercury, and the clot shots prevent proper oxygen from reaching the brain.

Prescription drugs on TV with the most common side effect as blood clots, to add to the common problem of vascular clots from the Covid clot shots

Prescription drug advertisements are splattered all over cable television for the masses to consume while engaging their idiot box. Nearly everyone who watches television and does not mute the commercials is under deep hypnosis to believe that the medications advertised can actually help their medical conditions, and not drive them closer to their own grave. Need some examples? Here are several doctor-prescribed, television advertised “medications” that feature BLOOD CLOTS as the most common side effect, to help grow those vascular clots they’re already experiencing from the Covid clot shots.

Chlorotrianisene is a synthetic estrogen prescribed for treating symptoms of menopause, ovary function deficiencies, and prostate cancer. The most common side effect is blood clots and lumps in the breasts. Any doctors who prescribe this drug after someone has received the Covid clot shots is doubling down on the chances of that patient developing blood clots and cancer, but the doctors are never allowed to bad-mouth “vaccines,” so there will be no warnings given.

Idursulfase is a medication prescribed for Hunter syndrome, a disorder where the body doesn’t digest sugar properly. The most common side effects of this prescription drug are blood clots in the lungs, irregular heart beat, high blood pressure, and respiratory failure. Does this sound familiar? That’s exactly what’s happening to millions of people just days or weeks after getting Fauci flu jabs. Coincidence? We think not.

Nadroparin is a prescription medication written for patients already suffering from pulmonary embolism, venous thromboembolism, and unstable angina (chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart). Guess what the most common side effects are for Nadroparin? Blood clotting (at the injection site), decrease in platelets, and blood in the stool and/or urine.

Wait, there’s plenty more…

Pegaspargase is a prescription drug given to patients with leukemia (acute lymphoblastic). Pegaspargase has common side effects that include blood clotting disorder and strokes, not to mention inflammation of the pancreas. So when vaccine violence victims start suffering these exact same health disparities from the clot shots, the doctors can now just blame the prescription drugs they prescribed for conditions that were caused by the Covid VACCINES. Get it? They should just call them prescription blood clots.

Reviparin Sodium is another prescription medication that has a most common side effect of blood clots, even though the drug is prescribed for venous thromboembolism, a condition that occurs when blood clots form in veins. That’s like prescribing a pain killer that has the most common side effect of increased pain.

Then there’s Voltaren gel, a prescription drug now available over the counter, ever since the scamdemic broke out in 2020. Voltaren may increase the risk of… wait for it… heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots. So now that the Covid clot shots cause all these same severe health complications, now you can walk up to the drug store in your bacteria-breeding Covid mask and buy Voltaren, without a prescription, and add to the vascular clotting you’re already suffering from the clot shots. Brilliant.

It’s more than obvious that the medical industrial complex and the vaccine industrial complex are working in tandem to depopulate the earth of several billion humans. This may take a few more years, but it’s working.

Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on the Vaccine Holocaust that’s sweeping the nation and causing vascular clots in perfectly healthy people, while doctors prescribe medications that cause even MORE blood clots.

Source: CLOT SHOT DOUBLE DOWN: Big Pharma now pushing medications known to CAUSE more blood clots

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