Could the Asbury Revival be the spark for the “Third Great Awakening”?

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(OPINION) People across social media are calling out what is going on at Asbury University as the start of a revival. Jim Garlow was one of the first people to post about the Asbury University revival and what he was hearing from leaders at the auditorium. I sat down with Garlow to talk about whether or not this move of God is the start of the Third Great Awakening.

“I’m praising God. This is a remarkable moment that we’ve cried out for. Now we’ll see what God’s going to do with this. I think this could be the big one, the one we have longed for, the revival that could go global,” Garlow says.

The revival at Asbury University is on day six and it hasn’t stopped yet. People from around the country are heading to Wilmore, Kentucky to experience the first rain in a long drought. What started with a couple of college kids skipping class to worship God after a mandatory chapel service, has led to a packed out revival.

Third-generation Wilmore resident and theologian Steve Siemens was asked by my dear friend Jim Garlow to explain what is going on at Asbury University. Is it emotionalism? Is true revival breaking out? The level-headed man of God sent one reply, “deeper and wider.”

“I knew for him to write back deeper and wider, something profound was starting to take place,” Garlow says in my Strang Report interview with him.

The revival started on Feb. 8th and on Monday evening Hughes Auditorium was packed full with at least 1,500 people, with two additional chapels nearby also packed to the brim with hundreds more out on the field.

A spark was ignited and a hunger for more of God is spreading like wildfire across the world. As the revival continues to day six, it’s a question of how the students will live and partake in what God is doing on the campus. A time of year normally marked by midterm exams has been overtaken by repentance, worship, and praise.

God is using young college students to usher in His presence to this generation that has been plagued by depression, anxiety and Satanic agendas. If there ever needs to be a move of God—it’s this generation. More Christian universities have started to drift from biblical values and adopt “woke” ideologies. Garlow talks about the three waves of losing Christian colleges in our nation.


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