Coronavirus vaccine deaths aren’t covered by life insurance because jabs are “experimental medical intervention”

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(Natural News) Before rushing out to get vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), you might want to contact your life insurance company first to see if your coverage will still be valid after the jab.

Reports indicate that getting injected for Chinese germs could void people’s coverage without them knowing about it due to the experimental nature of Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” gene therapy operation.

In the event that you die after getting needled with messenger RNA (mRNA) poison from Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna, many life insurance companies will not pay out because the injections are an “experimental medical intervention” that has not undergone the normal testing and vetting process.

While some insurers are still accepting life insurance applications from people who have been jabbed, others are “delaying” applications for people gullible enough to take a “vaccine” for the plandemic virus.

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