The Dictionary Definition of “Anti-Vaxxer” Has Broadened

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The common response to any criticism of a vaccine or a vaccine mandate is to yell, “anti-vaxxer,” rather than address the substance of the criticism.  Here is a recent tweet reflecting this reality:


Even those opposed to receiving an endless stream of COVID-19 boosters based on cogent reasoning are often met with the retort of “anti-vaxxer.”  This reality is now reflected in the updated definition of “anti-vaxxer” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

The old definition included “a person who opposes the use of vaccinesor regulations mandating vaccination”:


The new definition is “a person who opposes the use of some or all vaccines, regulations mandating vaccination, or usually both”:


So now to be an “anti-vaxxer,” per the dictionary, one need only oppose receiving some vaccines.  For example, annual ever-changing flu shots or numerous and changing COVID-19 vaccine boosters.

Consider that, despite spending billions in taxpayer dollars promoting flu shots and COVID-19 booster shots, polling reflects a majority of Americans do not plan to get either of these shots and hence are dictionary definition “anti-vaxxers.”

The irony is that rationally considering each of these medical products and making an informed medical decision makes you a thinking, rational human being.  But if you mindlessly get every single vaccine, then there are those would claim you are making an intelligent, thoughtful decision?!  Hats off to the public relations firms representing pharma and CDC/FDA in being able to convince the public that up is down and down is up on this one.

The next time someone calls you an anti-vaxxer because you have made a decision regarding whether or not to engage in a medical intervention, you let them know that, yes, you did make an informed, independent medical decision.  And wish them luck doing the opposite.  Worked out for Novak Djokovic who just won the Australian Open!


You can also let them know that since “anti-vaxxers” are now the majority, you can understand their insecurity and hostility.  But they should not worry: the thinking majority is not interested in taking away their rights and choices.  They can feel free to vaccinate all day long.  You, and the majority, just ask that those individuals respect our right to do the same.

Article Source: The Dictionary Definition of “Anti-Vaxxer” Has Broadened

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