Bill Gates: Next pandemic likely to be man-made and worse than COVID-19

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 Globalist and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates warned that the next pandemic is likely to be “man-made” and “much more brutal” than the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

He issued this warning during a recent visit to Sydney, Australia-based think tank Lowy Institute. Gates told the audience that the world must listen to him and follow his instructions, lest economic carnage on a never-before-seen scale will occur. The Big Tech mogul also called for “greater global cooperation,” citing the COVID-19 pandemic as an example of how countries could improve their response if they worked together.

“Compare the economic cost of being prepared for the next one to the cost of this one – over $10 trillion economic loss,” Gates said. “With the pandemic, we were foolish not to have the tools, the practice and [the] global capacity to be on standby like we do with fire or earthquakes.”

According to the Microsoft co-founder, a stable international order based on mutual political will is needed to deal with future pandemics.

“The one thing that still hangs in the balance is will we have the global capacity and at the regional and country levels that would mean that when an infectious disease threat comes up we act in such a way that it doesn’t go global. We need to be doing every five years a comprehensive exercise at both country and regional levels of pandemic preparedness, and you need a global group that’s scoring everybody.”

Gates also praised the Land Down Under’s “almost draconian” policies in response to the pandemic, which included lengthy lockdowns and stringent mask mandates.

“Some of the things that stand out are that Australia and about seven other countries did population scale diagnostics early on and had quarantine policies. That meant you kept the level of infection low in that first year when there were no vaccines,” he told the audience.

Gates’ vaccines do more harm than good

During his Lowy Institute address, Gates cited Africa as a region that has not received its fair share of the experimental vaccines. He promised to ensure Africans are vaccinated in the future.

“There is this huge failure of market capitalism to look at some of the needs of the poorest. Their voice in the marketplace is very small,” said the Microsoft co-founder. “You can literally save lives for $1,000, and there isn’t much around that should be as fulfilling as that.”

But he failed to mention that COVID-19 cases in Africa are the lowest in the world.

Worse, the vaccines he is promoting caused more harm than good in the continent. The World Health Organization (WHO) pointed out in a Sept. 1, 2020 report that a new outbreak of polio in Africa had been driven by oral vaccines supposedly created to combat the disease. According to the global health body, vaccine-derived polio virus Type 2 (VDPV2) was responsible for a wave of infections in Chad and neighboring Sudan.

The oral polio vaccine responsible for the spread of VDPV2 is being pushed by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, which is supported and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Source: Bill Gates: Next pandemic likely to be man-made and worse than COVID-19

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