Moderna has Already Lost the Legal War Against Pfizer for Royalties and is Being Set Up as a Global Criminal per US Military Contracts

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The NIH and Moderna own dozens of COVID-19 mRNA nanotechnology patents and were expecting BIG payouts from global COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ sales, especially from Pfizer. Per Pfizer’s December 12, 2022, mRNA Portfolio presentation by Navin Katyal, Pfizer has captured 63% of the global mRNA vaccine market.


If one company received the royalty payouts on the global sales of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA ‘vaccine’ alone, that company would likely be listed as a Fortune 500, except…Pfizer isn’t paying anyone anytime soon.


In 2021, the NIH brought a lawsuit against Moderna; Moderna then brought a lawsuit against Pfizer and in December 2022, Pfizer countersued Moderna. What isn’t disclosed in Pfizer’s counter lawsuit against Moderna is that the government made a back-door deal with the devil himself.


It is general knowledge that when an organization contracts with the US government, everything the organization produces can become the property of the US government, including the intellectual property of the product (aka the patents). If the contract involves the first time a product is going from idea to being created as a prototype or manufactured, then under the Bayh-Dole Act (reduced to process) the patent ownership can also be transferred to US government.


Under Pfizer’s Operation Warp Speed contract, the US government FORFEITED the provisions under the Bayh-Dole Act allowing Pfizer/BioNTech. It is odd that US government completely forfeited the following three (3)government rights.

Per the contract;

  1. FORFEITS the US government rights to retain the intellectual property rights of Pfizer’s newly invented mRNA ‘vaccine’ nanotechnology;
  2. FORFEITS the requirement that the manufacturing of Pfizer’s mRNA nanoparticle ‘vaccines’ be manufactured in the United States and by US citizens;

 Read full story here: Moderna has Already Lost the Legal War Against Pfizer for Royalties and is Being Set Up as a Global Criminal per US Military Contracts

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