‘Sudden deaths’ in Germany sharply increased after COVID jab rollout: insurance data – LifeSite

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(LifeSiteNews) — Sudden deaths in Germany spiked after the rollout of the COVID vaccines, insurance data has revealed.  

A dataset released by the KBV, an association representing all doctors in Germany who receive insurance, showed an alarming increase in ‘sudden deaths’ and ‘vague or unspecified causes of death’ since the rollout of the experimental COVID injections. 

The dataset was released following a Freedom of Information request by the German parliamentary party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and was presented at a press conference by the data activist Tom Lausen. 

Lausen’s first graph in his presentation shows that there was a sharp increase in “sudden deaths” of patients and similar occurrences like, “death occurring within fewer than 24 hours after onset of symptoms” and “other vague or unspecified causes of death.” This jump occurred at the beginning of 2021, corresponding with the rollout of the COVID injections. While there were between 13 and 17 reported cases of sudden or unspecified deaths per day between 2016 and 2020, that number increased dramatically to around 100 per day. 

For context, the following graph from Our World in Data shows the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered over time in Germany, beginning in late December of 2020.  


Moreover, Lausen’s presentation includes a graph that portrays the cumulative data of the “number of patients with vaccine side effects (for insurance doctors).” In 2021, the number of reported vaccine side effects…


Read full story here: ‘Sudden deaths’ in Germany sharply increased after COVID jab rollout: insurance data – LifeSite

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