What Good Does Exposing the Corruption of the Deep State Do if the Masses Never Hear About It?

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There’s an old saying: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

That same philosophical question can apply to the current state of our country: If we expose the truth about the corruption within our government, but the mainstream media doesn’t report on it, did we actually accomplish anything?

This is the conundrum that we face, especially in this age of overt and brash corruption. The Mainstream Media, Fox News included, are continually providing cover for the corrupt politicians running the political system in this country. This makes it so hard to wake the American people up to the level of sinister behavior of these individuals.

Take covid, for example. Our government funded the technology behind both covid and the supposed “vaccines”, while “Doctor” Anthony Fauci knew exactly what was going on. These injections were never intended to be vaccines, but bioweapons with the purpose of injuring and killing millions, if not billions, of people around the world… and then those that survive, they’ll be able to control them from within through artificial intelligence and “hacking their brains,” as Yuval Noah Herari claims.

and I expose what’s really going on with the vaccines every week on our Thursday afternoon show In The Foxhole and on her Substack . Yet, if only those that already agree with us hear about it, what good does it do?

These truths that we continually expose should be breaking news on every media outlet. Yet, they won’t touch it with a ten foot pole. This is because they are in on the scam.

The same can be said for January 6th, of which today is the two year anniversary of when that false flag operation occurred. It’s already been exposed that the FBI was involved in making the “insurrection” happen. We’ve already shown that Ray Epps was trying to do whatever he could to get Trump supporters to “storm the Capitol,” all while being noticeably absent from any investigations or prosecutions by the DOJ. Another aspect is that Donald Trump wanted to beef up security, all while Nancy Pelosi shot that down.

But the question, again, is what good does it do to expose the truth if no one outside of our little bubble actually hears about it.

The Mainstream Media is a part of the Swamp. They are never going to expose the truth, because they’ve been complicit in these conspiracies. They can’t tell the truth without also implicating themselves. Same goes for Big Tech, as we’ve seen with Elon Musk’s Twitter Files exposes.

So what good is exposing all of this if the vast majority of Americans have no idea about any of this and will likely never hear about it?

Here’s the answer: it arms us with the truth.

The important aspect of this, however, is that we’ve got to stop thinking that all we have to do is expose the corruption and everyone is going to wake up. That’s not going to happen if all we focus on is the investigation and exposure.

Then we have to take this information and wake up our friends and family with the truth, pointing them to verifiable facts that they clearly aren’t hearing about in the Fake News MSM. This is our only way to save America.

It comes down to you and I… a truly grassroots movement. We’ve got to grow a spine and no longer be afraid of what names people will call us. We are America’s final stand against the powers-that-be that are hellbent on destroying the greatest country in the history of the world.

There’s no easy fix. Nobody is going to come save the day. Not Trump. Not Mike Lindell. Not Gen Flynn. Nobody. All we have left is God and We The People.

This means that our mission is to educate ourselves, get involved and point people back to the truth about everything: covid, January 6th, election fraud, Hunter Biden, the World Economic Forum, Black Lives Matter, Ukraine… the list goes on and on.

We’ll fly under the radar until we reach critical mass, at which point the people will rise up like we are seeing happen in our other countries to ultimately bring back freedom and liberty in America once again.

2023 is the year we save America. But the only way that happens is if YOU get involved.


Source: What Good Does Exposing the Corruption of the Deep State Do if the Masses Never Hear About It?

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