What we know now: The CIA and FBI have been corrupt for seventy years

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On December 26, Lew Rockwell wrote a column about Tucker Carlson’s December 15 program in which he discussed the most recent batch of documents that relate to the JFK assassination.  Some are still withheld by the State Department.  Why?  Carlson said he had spoken to someone familiar with the remaining documents, who told him unequivocally that the CIA was indeed involved with the killing of Kennedy.  We all know the basics — that within forty-eight hours of the assassination, Jack Ruby had killed Lee Harvey Oswald on camera. Ruby himself died shortly thereafter.  We were told that Oswald was the lone assassin despite volumes of evidence that showed that that could not have been true.

A week after the assassination, Lyndon Johnson chose thirteen men to “investigate” the crime.  They were called the Warren Commission after Chief Justice Earl Warren.  Who were these men?  One of them was Allen Dulles, a former director of the CIA, who had been fired by Kennedy two years earlier after the Bay of Pigs fiasco.  It was Dulles who had founded MK-ULTRA, a top-secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments — sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizens — to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information-gathering, and psychological torture.  Though Project MK-ULTRA lasted from 1953 until about 1973, details of the illicit program didn’t become public until 1975, during a congressional investigation into widespread illegal CIA activities within the United States and around the world.

Also on the commission was Richard Helms.  Helms was the official liaison to the CIA and soon to become its director.  Neither of these men ever told the others on the Commission that they ran MK-ULTRA, nor did they ever reveal that psychiatrist Dr. Louis Joylon “Jolly” West, mentioned in Rockwell’s column, was one of their assets, who was probably a psychopath himself; he experimented on people, often without their knowledge, using LSD and other drugs in conjunction with hypnosis.  West had visited Jack Ruby in prison, alone, and then announced that Ruby was certifiably insane.  None of the other psychiatrists who had previously examined Ruby came to that conclusion, but after West visited him, he did appear to have suffered a psychotic break.  One theory is that West somehow created that psychotic break; Ruby could never speak sensibly again.

Eventually, numerous other illicit activities of the CIA and FBI came to light — COINTELPRO, for example, an infiltration program very much like what the current FBI has mounted.  Agents infiltrated groups they believed to be subversive, like the Black Panthers in the 1960s, the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys under Joe Biden, and perhaps incite them to commit crimes.  For example, the FBI planned the Whitmer kidnapping and recruited some easily manipulated men to carry it out.  January 6, 2021 was most likely a CIA-orchestrated event, Ray Epps likely a CIA or FBI asset.

A.G. Merrick Garland eschews going after criminal illegal migrants and violent rioters of Antifa and BLM and instead goes after parents who show up at school board meetings to oppose pornographic curricula.  He arrests people who peacefully protest at abortion facilities but not those who set pregnancy centers on fire.  To Garland, these are subversives.  The programs that CIA doctors like West involved themselves in were usually funded by virtuous-sounding outfits that are actually CIA fronts.  Joylon West, the psychiatrist, operated as an asset for the CIA for nearly thirty years.  He is likely responsible for many deaths.

The truth of what the CIA and FBI had been up to for decades came to light in 1975.  Senator Frank Church chaired the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, known informally as the Church Committee.  It was tasked with investigating alleged illegal activity by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and National Security Agency (NSA). Abuses including assassination plots in foreign countries and widespread surveillance and harassment of political activists and public figures in the United States were uncovered.  The committee’s recommendations led to reforms such as the creation of congressional committees to oversee intelligence activities and an executive order banning assassinations.

The Church Committee was a very big deal and allegedly led to major reforms, but, given what we know now, the FBI’s and CIA’s fabrication of the Russia Hoax at Hillary Clinton’s bidding and all that it entailed, nothing changed.  They have clearly facilitated election fraud — they helped create a coup that brought down a president, just as they did in 1963.  Illegal acts abound, like the raid on Mar-a-Lago, phony impeachments, suppressing any speech that deviates from the official narrative, on COVID, vaccines, elections, LGBT issues, etc.  Our FBI and CIA are as crooked now as they were in the 1950s and 1960s.  They consider themselves to be above the law and have no respect for our…

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