‘Sudden, Unexpected Deaths’ Exploded In Germany Since mRNA Shots Began In 2021

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Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is the mystery name given to all unexplained and sudden deaths in the adult population. You can fool doctors, but not insurance companies; they are the ones paying out death claims, which have skyrocketed since the beginning of mRNA shots in 2021. ⁃ TN Editor


This is an explosive report out of Germany showing a massive increase in “sudden deaths” following COVID “vaccines” that has not received much exposure in the Alternative Media yet, because the sources are all in the German language.

Pierre L. Gosselin of the “NoTricksZone” blog has provided an English report of the data. Thanks to Henry Makow for including this in his daily update today.

The report shows a 4-fold increase in “sudden deaths” following the introduction of COVID vaccines in Germany, compared to previous years.

The German AfD Parliamentary Group tried to do damage control by issuing a Press Release on these findings, that you can read here. (Click on English to read in English).

However, they do NOT dispute the data.

They basically claim that the lower numbers in previous years were due to “errors in the input or transmission (of the data).”

Story by Pierre L. Gosselin

This is shown by just released data of the 72 million insured by Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV). (See chart above.)

The number has more than doubled since the vaccine was introduced at the end of 2020, jumping from about 6000 per quarter to 14,000 currently. The difference, 8000, means more than 80 people each and every day are dying suddenly and mysteriously.

The German analysis since the start of Corona vaccination show the population has seen drastic changes in disease patterns and deaths. This is the result of data from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), which Martin Sichert was able to evaluate exclusively together with data expert Tom Lause, and made public at a press conference earlier today.

Frightening findings

“Patient data of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) on side effects of the Corona vaccinations provide frightening findings,” tweets Prof. Stefan Homburg.

“With the start of Corona mass vaccinations, the number of those who died ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ jumped more than fourfold compared to previous years. In each quarter, beginning with the first quarter of 2021, more sudden and unexpected deaths were recorded by panel physicians than in any total year from 2016 to 2020.”

The task and responsibility of monitoring vaccine safety falls in the hands of Germany’s Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), which appears to have grossly neglected analyzing the KBV data – a duty it is obligated to do in the interest of public safety.

The German government in 2020 indeed standardized the use of the insurance data to protect against immunization damage, but the current government and the PEI have stunningly ignored the law.

German parliamentarian Martin Sichert and data analyst Tom Lausen have since forced the release of the data and the shocking results.


Source: ‘Sudden, Unexpected Deaths’ Exploded In Germany Since mRNA Shots Began In 2021

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