Hunter Biden is Plotting ‘Revenge’ Tour Against Whistleblowers for Exposing Laptop Secrets

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Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, is reportedly plotting a ‘revenge tour’ against his critics, multiple outlets reported on Saturday. Politico Playbook signaled that the Biden son plans to ‘go on offense’ against his detractors.

In a private strategy session last September, friends of President JOE BIDEN’s embattled son HUNTER started girding for war, according to a rather scoopy read by WaPo’s Matt Viser and Michael Scherer that popped this morning.

— Hollywood attorney KEVIN MORRIS, Hunter’s friend and financial benefactor — who was reported to have paid off Hunter’s alleged $2 million delinquent tax bill that is under investigation — told the room he thought they should be suing Fox News as well as people like ERIC TRUMPRUDY GIULIANI and Hunter’s other critics for defamation.

— Morris also “outlined extensive research on two potential witnesses against Hunter … a spurned business partner named TONY BOBULINSKY and a computer repairman named JOHN PAUL MAC ISAAC,” who Fox News has called the Hunter Biden laptop whistleblower.”

Hunter called into the discussion via video, Viser and Scherer report. And well-known liberal activist and Clinton family defender DAVID BROCK also attended, as he prepared to help the administration counter the House GOP’s onslaught of investigations.

That’s just the lead anecdote of what we’re calling the must-read of the morning , which you should click not only because the Republican House will make probes of Hunter central to its agenda in 2023, but also because of the apparent disagreement in Biden world about how to handle it.

Two names in particular stand out in this report: Tony Bobulinsky and John Paul Mac Isaac. The report suggests a smear campaign is forthcoming against the whistleblowers (think the mainstream media’s attacks on Rudy Giuliani when he broached the issue during the 2020 election campaign).

However, it may be a case of “too little, too late,” as even initial mainstream media outlets that refused to cover the story during the 2020 campaign, such as CBS News and the New York Times, have essentially verified the laptop’s authenticity. The identity of the whistleblowers, at this stage, is besides the point.

The Washington Post provides more insights into what Hunter Biden and his advisers reportedly have in mind.

Morris, at the meeting in his California home, described defamation lawsuits the team could pursue against the presidential son’s critics, including Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani. He outlined extensive research on two potential witnesses against Hunter Biden — a spurned business partner named Tony Bobulinski and a computer repairman named John Paul Mac Isaac.

At one point, Hunter Biden himself happened to call into the meeting, connecting briefly by video to add his own thoughts.

“They feel that there is a whole counternarrative missing because of the whole Hunter-hater narrative out there,” said liberal activist David Brock, who attended the meeting. “What we really got into was more the meat of it, the meat of what a response would look like.”

“Brock was planning for a new group, Facts First USA, focused on fighting the looming House GOP investigations,” the Post reported.

Thus, we can see how Hunter Biden’s allies plan to fight the forthcoming criticism: Claiming that it is all “misinformation” and getting its Big Tech allies to crack down on it — just like they did with the 2020 election, as revealed by the Twitter Files.

Why not? Hunter Biden has been under federal investigation for years and with no serious action taken against him, despite the plethora of evidence he committed multiple international crimes. In Biden’s America, there are no consequences for the politically connected, and Hunter Biden has nothing to lose by attacking his critics. The mainstream media will certainly cover for Biden and his son, just like they did prior to the 2020 election.


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The post Hunter Biden is Plotting ‘Revenge’ Tour Against Whistleblowers for Exposing Laptop Secrets appeared first on Becker News.


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