The foreign data gutted this week in VAERS – Cancer signal was halved, myocarditis dose 3 response signal lost and 994 spontaneous abortions/still births dropped

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As most of you know, me and a bunch of other people are monitoring VAERS data very closely week-by-week. This week (11.18.22), the first thing I noticed was that the Foreign data set was less than a fraction of the size it was last week (11.11.22): down from 283.51 MB to 96.81 MB. There is a disclaimer under the VAERS data that states the following, so this is not mistake.


Figure 1:

I decided to process the data as I always do on Fridays.

The first thing I do when I analyze the VAERS data (after downloading) is compile the Domestic data set. Then I compile the Foreign data set. The I merge them along with the 2021 COVID-19 data. Then I count the numbers of VAERS IDs in both and do some basic descriptive statistics – like how many males versus females, age demographics, dose data and more. Then I start my grouped queries like death counts and severe adverse event counts, etc..

In the case of myocarditis, I always run the code over the Domestic, the Foreign and the combined data sets independently.

The first thing I noticed is that the myocarditis dose 3 response signal is gone. There is a 49% decrease in the number of myocarditis reports.


Figure 3: Myocarditis reports in VAERS Foreign data as of 10.14..22 (right) and as of 11.18.22.

The second thing I noticed was that 944 spontaneous abortions are missing.


Figure 2: Spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, still birth and vaginal hemorrhages reports in VAERS as of 11.11.22 (left) and as of 11.18.22 (right).

The third thing I noticed was that the cancer reports, although they maintain a similar age distribution as the previous weeks, as shown in Figure 4, there is a 46% decrease in reports.


Figure 4: Cancer reports in VAERS as of 11.11.22 (left) and as of 11.18.22 (right).

There’s so much more to cover, but I will update as time goes on.

See OpenVAERS for more.


*Source: The foreign data set was gutted this week in VAERS and the cancer signal was halved, the myocarditis dose 3 response signal was lost and 994 spontaneous abortions/still births were dropped

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