COVID-19 Pandemic: What Is Truth?

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With the exception of the bolded subheads, a screenshot of 2D mRNA technology images from ACS Nano, and images of my late pet guinea pig (Jake), this Substack is verbatim clips (cut and paste) of key content from this article published in the Surgical Journal Of Neurology on December 8, 2021, and written by Dr. Russell Blaylock.

This excellent article summarizes some of the known risks of the mRNA vaccines when they were made readily available in 2021. Dr. Blaylock also addresses the silencing and punishment of scientific debate from highly-credentialed doctors and scientists, including the inventor of mRNA vaccines, Dr. Robert Malone.


“The scary part is that the mRNA “vaccines” are essentially artificial exosomes, each carrying the very part of the virus (the spike protein) that does harm to the body. We have, in essence, traded a natural infection for an artificial one that could be far worse.” – Dr. Russell Blaylock

Science advances by challenging hypotheses and prevailing theories. Institutionalized views stifle scientific advancement and will, especially in clinical medicine, ultimately harm people.

Providing Treatment without Informed Consent is Unethical

According to theprinciple of informed consent, a patient – or in this case, the public at large — must be informed of the indications for the treatment, the efficacy of the treatment, possible available alternatives to the proposed treatment, and most importantly, all the potential side effects and complications, whether acute or long term. It has been estimated that for a new type of vaccine or especially genetic treatment, a minimum of 10 years of testing are required.

One thing that keeps the public in the dark is that most people have virtually no understanding of the complex subjects of immunology, virology, epidemiology, or infectious disease pathology.To people untrained in these areas, it all seems quite simple: There’s a disease outbreak, you make a vaccine against the disease, people become immune, and all is well.

Unfortunately, because of the incredible complexity of the immune system, it does not always work like that. In fact,we are now learning that vaccines, under certain conditions, can make things much worse for the vaccinated. However, these COVID shots are not actually vaccines — they are genetic biological agents that to this day, remain largely untested. They were tested for only 2 months before given Emergency Use Authorization [EUA] approval for public use. That means if you take them, you become the guinea pig.


“— COVID shots are genetic biological agents that to this day, remain largely untested.They were tested for only 2 months before given Emergency Use Authorization [EUA] approval for public use. That means if you take them, you become the guinea pig.” – Dr. Russel Blaylock



How Dr. Malone’s mRNA Vaccine Technology Protects mRNA to then Infect Cells

The mRNA vaccines,first developed in the 1980s by Dr. Robert Malone, utilizes a complex technique that employs an artificially constructed mRNA molecule. The idea is that the RNA produces the desired antigen. In this case, it produces the spike protein of the SARS-CoV- 2 virus that causes COVID-19 infection. Ironically, that is the very part of the virus that causes damage in people, in particular acting as a neurotoxic molecule. However, injecting mRNA by itself won’t work because the body contains an enzyme that would quickly destroy it.

To prevent this, Dr. Malone created a nanolipid carrier that is basically like a nanosized sac that contains the mRNA (resembles an artificial exosome).This special carrier sac is incredibly small — about the size of the virus.


An artificially constructed mRNA moleculeproduces the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 infection. Injecting mRNA by itself won’t work because the body contains an enzyme that quickly destroys it. To prevent this, Dr. Malone created a nanolipid carrier that contains mRNA.”


We’ve been told that the carrier sac (the nanolipid carrier) is destroyed within a few days, thus preventing the body from continuously producing the deadly spike protein. Keep in mind, the principal way the virus itself causes damage is through its spike protein — the same one being reproduced in large amounts all over a person’s body by the mRNA in the vaccine. However, the truth is that the makers of these biological agents added polyethylene glycol to protect the nanolipid carrier so it would last much longer in the body — thus allowing the mRNA to produce far more spike protein for a much longer period. In fact, we don’t know how long the nanolipid/mRNA package lasts. The generated spike proteins may last months, years, or even a lifetime.

“We don’t know how long the nanolipid/mRNA package lasts. The generated spike proteins may last months, years, or even a lifetime. The spike protein causes COVID damage.”

mRNA Vaccines Produce Damage Over a Lifetime vs an Acute Infection

The CDC recently admitted that only 10,500 people in the United States were actually killed by the virus itself.…Most people infected with COVID either have few symptoms or have a moderate reaction — similar to other viral infections. Within eight to 11 days, they get better.

Essentially,once people are vaccinated, they will have the spike protein being produced everywhere in their bodies. Because the spike protein-producing nanolipid carriers are lodged within organs and tissues, the immune system is unable to respond efficiently to prevent damage and may be responsible for much of the damage as a bystander injury effect. Moreover again, recent studies confirm that it is the spike protein that causes COVID damage. That is, it’s toxic.

How mRNA Vaccines Trade a Natural Infection for a More Damaging Artificial One

New studies have demonstrated a very frightening possibility. We are all being told that the virus enters cells using principally the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor. But in truth, there is another mechanism: exosomes. Exosomes are much like the nanolipid carrier used in the vaccines. They are microscopic sacs that contain various components — such as RNA and DNA fragments — that can leave the cell, travel to other cells, enter them, and pass along genetic information.

Exosomes are a cell-communication mechanism.

Unfortunately, many viruses can hijack these exosomes, insert their genetic information, and then exit the infected cells and travel to surrounding cells or even distant cells and enter them, thus spreading the infection. Infections by viruses cause the infected cell to produce a tremendous number of exosomes — all containing the viruses’ genetic information. The scary part is that the mRNA “vaccines” are essentially artificial exosomes, each carrying the very part of the virus (the spike protein) that does harm to the body. We have, in essence, traded a natural infection for an artificial one that could be far worse.

mRNA Vaccine Technology Can Destroy Brain Cells and Neurological Functions

Arecent studydemonstrated just how dangerous it is when infected exosomes enter the brain. The fear is that these vaccines could very well trigger neurodegeneration within specific brain areas, each causing a particular neurological disorder such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, or even a totally new neurological disorder never seen before.

These vaccines can also trigger seizures, strokes, and even neuropsychiatric disorders. Keep in mind that in some cases these disorders do not appear for years or even decades. Dr. Peter McCullough, a professor of internal medicine and cardiology, citeda case in which a woman lost all memory after receiving the first vaccine dose.

The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.

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COVID-19 Declared War on Humanity.

Demand Government and Public Officials Take Down COVID-19.

Millions of lives have been lost, not due to a virus, but due to COVID-19 government policies and medical counter measures. Propaganda, policies and products have done irreparable harm to the nations of humanity, our communities, and our children.

No war in the history of mankind has produced the catastrophic level of lost lives, economic harm, and global destruction of freedom as the COVID-19 War on Humanity. It’s time we reunite and take down COVID-19.

Call for governors, mayors, school boards, colleges and universities, health care officials, health care centers, businesses,and churchesto;

  • Make a public declaration that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause disease and death and must be banned and recalled immediately
  • Immediately STOP ALL COVID-19 testing, treatments and mRNA vaccines
  • REJECT and STOP ALL FUNDING for all COVID-19 programs
  • *CALL FOR GOVERNORS to CRIMINALIZE the promotion and administration of mRNA VACCINES

*Governors have the power to reject the HHS declaration that SARS-CoV-2 is a threat to public health and national security and to criminalize the use of all EUA designated COVID-19 products, tests, and mRNA vaccines. Demand that they do.

It’s Time we Reunite as Humanity and Take Down COVID-19.

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*Source: COVID-19 Pandemic: What Is Truth? – by Karen Kingston

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