COVID-19 and mRNA Vaccine Lies are Crumbling Fast per EU Parliament Members

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For more than two years, a select few have not minced words when it comes to speaking the truth about SARS-CoV-2, mRNA vaccines, and the COVID-19 attack on humanity, including Christine Anderson, MEP, member of the European Parliament.

Christine Anderson, MEP, recently gave a speech to the EU parliamentemphasizing that the global COVID-19 mandates, lockdowns and mRNA ‘vaccines’ were all based on lies.

“The people have been lied to. It was a gigantic lie. And on this lie, everything that governments, especially in the Western democracies did to infringe on people’s rights, to take away their freedom, to lock them in their homes, imposing curfews, all of this was based on thatgigantic lie.” – Christine Anderson, MEP


These Kingston Report article document and summarize the globalCOVID-19 deceptions and SARS-CoV-2 lies.

Ms. Anderson highlights EU Parliament’sRob Ross’ questioning of a PFIZER representative where the PFIZER rep admits that PFIZER knew that their COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were not shown to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission.


Christine Anderson goes on to state that the house of cards around the COVID-19 narrative is crumbling and rightfully so.

And things are changing now. Their house of cards is tumbling down and it is doing so rightfully. I am sick and tired of being called a COV-idiot. And I’d much rather be a COV-idiot than being a GOV-idiot.” – Christine Anderson, MEP


In her speechto the EU Parliament, Ms. Anderson also states;

And I will say it again, it (COVID-19) was never, never ever about public health. It was never about breaking any waves. It was always about breaking people. But….they failed. It didn’t work. And that I am very proud of.” – Christine Anderson, MEP

Christine Anderson is 100% correct in stating that COVID-19 wasnever about public health. COVID-19 was always about breaking the will of the people.

I believe in the good will and intelligence of humanity. Americans and global citizens were terrorized and manipulated into giving up our rights out of fear of contracting a highly-deadly pathogen, a pathogen that we were toldcould harm us or our loved ones. When people are afraid, they don’t act rationally. Irrational thinking is a normal reaction to fear; and global government leaders knew this.

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Terrorizing global citizens with malfeasant and falseCOVID-19 propaganda around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and spike protein, in order for us give up our sovereignty and freedoms was a well-orchestrated and studied strategy. There is even a scientific name for this strategy; it’s called the “Parasite Stress Hypothesis.”


Per theParasite Stress Hypothesis, when a community or nation is exposed to the threat of a highly-deadly pathogen, at an individual level, the majority will each submit to an authoritarian government and condemn others for not doing so.


*Source: COVID-19 and mRNA Vaccine Lies are Crumbling Fast per EU Parliament Members

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