Polio Vaccines Are Ineffective and Hundreds of Thousands of Children Have Been Paralysed due to Bill Gates’ Vaccination Program

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Almost everyone is frightened of polio because we see pictures of children in wheelchairs or walking around with crutches and braces. This is the fear tactic the pharmaceutical industry uses to entice you into getting the shot. So, what happens is, millions of parents fall for it and their children are rushed off to get their “insurance” against polio.

In fact, polio is so scary and corruptible (see the Cutter incident and SV40 contamination in Chapter 5 parts 1 and 2) that it deserves further discussion in a chapter all to its own, wrote Dr. Kevin Stillwagon.

Further reading:

By Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

This may shock you, but many children have already had exposure to the polio virus, never even knew it and have immunity, therefore the shot was not necessary.  According to the Mayo Clinic:

Although polio can cause paralysis and death, the majority of people who are infected with the virus don’t get sick and aren’t aware they’ve been infected.

Polio, Mayo Clinic

From the same link: “In the US, adults aren’t routinely vaccinated against polio because most are already immune, and the chances of contracting polio are minimal.”

They are already immune because they contracted the virus, became immune and didn’t even know it. Most people think the shot is not necessary for adults because the vaccine eradicated polio. That is a lie.

We still have polio today, mostly in areas where they continue to vaccinate aggressively. In fact, people are warned that they will be exposed to the polio virus if they travel to countries where the Oral Polio Vaccine (“OPV”) is used. That’s because the OPV contains the complete virus that will replicate and will transmit between humans.

This brings up the concept of asymptomatic transmission. Viruses ALWAYS transmit between humans. ALL viruses do this, even the ones associated with covid symptoms. This is natural and cannot be stopped any more than we can stop the ocean tides. Whether a person displays symptoms or not is entirely dependent upon the condition of their immune system, not the presence of the virus.

From the same Mayo Clinic link: “People who have the virus but don’t have symptoms can pass the virus to others.” Put another way, if you get the OPV, you get the virus and will pass it on. What happens when it is passed on?

There are four stages to the disease called polio. How far a person progresses in these stages is dependent upon the condition of their immune system. The first stage is the asymptomatic stage and happens about 70% of the time. Many people will experience this, never even know it, and are naturally immune for life.

The second stage is the abortive stage which happens about 24% of the time. This stage has flu-like symptoms, but no paralysis will manifest. Again, natural lifelong immunity is the result.

From the same link above: “Some people who develop symptoms from the poliovirus contract a type of polio that doesn’t lead to paralysis (abortive polio). This usually causes the same mild, flu-like signs and symptoms typical of other viral illnesses.”

The third stage is nonparalytic and happens 1% to 5% of the time. The symptoms are more severe, aseptic meningitis-like, and involve muscle pain and stiffness. Symptoms will last about 10 days, and complete lifelong natural immunity is the result.

The fourth stage is the one everyone is afraid of: paralytic. This is the rarest stage, less than 1%, and can result in permanent disability. This can happen in people who are severely immunocompromised. It is important to know that some of these paralytic conditions are not permanent and will resolve themselves.

You can verify the percentages right here: Poliomyelitis, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

As with all communicable diseases, the route of transmission is the most important to consider. For the polio virus, it is either the oral/oral or oral/faecal route. It must be ingested, and this will happen by either saliva-to-saliva contact, or by ingesting contaminated food or water. Even in America with advanced monitoring of food and water, the virus still ends up in sewage because people continue to unnecessarily expose their children to the virus in the form of a shot.

In a natural infection, after being ingested, the virus particles must get into the bloodstream. This will happen if the virus is copied inside of the epithelial cells lining the gut and released into the blood or lymph. If they make it to cells of the central nervous system, which is rare, the destruction of motor neurons (the ones that move muscles) can happen, resulting in flaccid paralysis.

Modern medicine’s solution to prevent this rare paralysis is to inject you, or have you swallow something that will result in those serum antibodies that will be in the blood to react to a subsequent infection. Those antibodies will not stop the virus from entering, nor can they stop it from spreading to others, nor can they result in the elimination of the virus from the planet. OPV cannot eradicate polio: OPV cannot eradicate polio from India: do we need any further evidence?

The OPV that is swallowed might provide some mucosal protection from a future infection because it enters the body from the outside to the inside – as a normal infection would. This will result in secretory mucosal IgA antibody production. The risk is, you cannot know how many virus particles are in the dose. There could be so many that even a robust immune system will not be able to handle the viral load. The injected version will provide no protection against infection whatsoever because it bypasses the mucosal lining completely.

Figures, statistics, charts, and graphs can be easily manipulated to convince you that polio has been eradicated by using a shot called a vaccine. They do that by conveniently changing the criteria for how the disease is diagnosed. Before 1954, physicians reported an illness as polio if, 24 hours after the examination, classic polio symptoms were present. No lab tests or lasting paralysis were required. If you had the symptoms 24 hours after the initial examination, you were entered into the books as a polio victim.

Just before mass inoculations against polio began, the criteria for the diagnosis of polio changed. The change? You must have paralysis 60 days after the initial onset.

So, this change forced the reported cases of polio to be reduced as many instances of paralysis were resolved prior to the 60 days. The cases that had no residual paralysis at 60 days had to be reported as some other illness. They were reported as aseptic meningitis. Interestingly, as the reported cases of polio went down, the reported cases of aseptic meningitis went up…way up. This was confirmed in the original 1984 version of The Silent Killers by looking at the Los Angeles County Health Index morbidity and mortality of reportable diseases for the years 1955 through 1966.

Since polio is still prevalent in the world where sanitation of food and water is a problem, Bill Gates decided to do something about it. Instead of improving sanitation to stop the route of transmission, he decided to attack the virus itself.

So, in 1988, Bill Gates embarked upon a campaign to eliminate polio from the planet, called the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged over 5 billion dollars to it so far. It was supposed to eradicate polio by the year 2000. That didn’t happen so he subjected millions of children in India to several doses of Oral Polio Vaccine from the years 2000 to 2017.

The result?

Reports vary, but the consensus is that hundreds of thousands of children were paralysed due to vaccine-induced polio. Will he ever learn? Probably not. In October of 2022, he pledged another 1.5 billion dollars and extended the program to the year 2026. And he still thinks everyone on the planet needs to be “vaccinated” against anything and everything.

*Source: Polio Vaccines Are Ineffective and Hundreds of Thousands of Children Have Been Paralysed due to Bill Gates’ Vaccination Program – The Expose

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