95% Effective Doesn’t Mean What Billions of People Think It Means

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December 4, 2023: Americans and global citizens were intentionally deceived into believing that Pfizer’s 95% efficacy meant that they had a 95% percent reduction in risk of getting infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 if they were vaccinated versus not getting vaccinated (doing nothing – placebo).

Per the lawsuit Texas vs Pfizer, in November of 2020 prior to receiving EUA authorization, Pfizer issued a press release stating that clinical trials showed mRNA BNT162b injections were “more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants.

This was a blatant misrepresentation of the data. Here’s the data straight from Pfizer’s November 20, 2020 FDA filing.

Here’s my analysis that I presented on July 3, 2021, at the Doug Billings, Determined Patriots Conference in Branson, Missouri. As you can see the absolute risk reduction between the placebo group (0.93% risk of infection & symptoms) and Pfizer group (0.05% infection & symptoms) was less than 1%.

Being that Pfizer’s data showed study participants had less than a 1 percent reduction in risk of becoming infected AND having symptomatic COVID-19 (whether they were vaccinated or not), the study results were absolutely meaningless when applied to a clinical real world setting.


And in fact, 409 participants came down with symptoms of COVID-19 and tested positive after receiving their 1st or second shot, but before the 7 days post-second dose cutoff date for being included in the study (versus 287 in the placebo group).

The Texas AG office argued these points in their lawsuit against Pfizer, stating that Pfizer never explained their misleading statements regarding that the 95% relative risk reduction, actually equated to a real-world, clinically relevant “absolute risk risk equaled only 0.85%.” In other words, “Pfizer’s own trial results showed that the vaccine would reduce the incidence of the non-vaccinated (unvaccinated) contracting COVID-19 by less than one percent.

Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, had the audacity to falsely claim that Pfizer’s clinical trial data, “provides initial evidence of our vaccine’s abilities to prevent COVID-19.”

He went on to play on the emotions of global civilians by claiming;

With today’s news, we are a significant step closer to providing people around the world with a much-needed breakthrough to help bring an end to this global health crisis.” – Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, December 11, 2020

The Texas lawsuit goes onto explain how Bourla “broadly and recklessly claimed that the vaccine prevented COVID-19, full-stop.”

Under the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Pfizer acted in an unconscionable manner by misrepresenting the highly technical definition of a 95% relative risk reduction.

Albert Bourla intentionally misled American and global citizens into believing “the false impression that 95% of vaccine recipients would never obtain COVID-19 full stop.” The lawsuit goes on to explain that Bourla knew his claims were reckless and misleading, and was fully aware that the mainstream media (CNN, MSNB, Forbes, Reuters, etc.) would pick up and repeat this blatantly false narrative.

Bourla did this in order to capture as much of the global COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ market share and ‘share of voice’ as quickly as possible to ensure the eventual cumulative revenues of more than $100 billion from BNT162b, COMIRNATY, and booster sales.

Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds! They carry it out because it is in their power to do it.
They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them. They defraud people of their homes, they rob them of their inheritance.

Therefore, the Lord says:

I am planning disaster against this people, from which you cannot save yourselves. You will no longer walk proudly, for it will be a time of calamity. In that day people will ridicule you; they will taunt you with this mournful song:
‘We are utterly ruined; my people’s possession is divided up. He takes it from me! He assigns our fields to traitors.’”


Source: 95% Effective Doesn’t Mean What Billions of People Think It Means

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