911 Truth Architect Richard Gage Unloads Irrefutable Evidence Of Building 7 Controlled Demolition!

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In this video Mike Adam speaks to Richard Gage as he unloads irrefutable evidence that WTC 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition contrary to the government narrative.

Many architects and engineers are unaware of the near perfect collapse of WTC 7 into its own footprint on September 11th 2001. It is both physically and scientifically impossible for a building of this size to collapse the way it did from a few small office fires and Richard Gage explains why.

The narrative of 9/11 falls apart when you looks at WTC 7, unlike the other building it wasn’t hit by a plane and stood standing for over 7 hours before collapsing. After many witnesses hear explosions, WT C 7 suddenly and uniformly collapses into its own footprint in under 7 seconds.


Source: 911 Truth Architect Richard Gage Unloads Irrefutable Evidence Of Building 7 Controlled Demolition! | Principia Scientific Intl.

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