7 Medical Experts React to CDC’s ‘Bombshell’ Natural Immunity Report

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The fallout continues from the CDC’s ‘bombshell’ report on natural immunity this week. The report set off a wave of confusion among natural immunity deniers, who believed that ‘vaccines‘ were the only way for people to get protection to Covid-19.

The CDC report nonetheless showed that prior infections were potent protection during the Delta variant wave in 2021.

“During America’s last surge of the coronavirus driven by the Delta variant, people who were unvaccinated but survived Covid were better protected than those who were vaccinated and not previously infected,” AFP reported on the new study.

While new networks like CNN spun itself into retractions after reporting false takeaways from the CDC report, medical professionals dissected the data and evidence. The following are 7 medical professionals’ conclusions.

Dr. Marty Makary, a Harvard-educated member of the National Academy of Medicine and resident at John Hopkins, responded that the results were in line with what he had been saying all along.

“The data are now abundantly clear,” Makary said. “Natural imm[unity] is more effective than vax imm[unity]. Sadly, tens of thousands Americans lost their job & livelihood because the Ab [antibodies] circulating in their blood are Ab [antibodies] the govt does not recognize. Sci group think ruined their careers.”

“Agree to Re-instate,” he added, referring to those who lost their jobs over the ‘vaccine’ mandates.

Dr. Makary has been undertaking his own studies on natural immunity. One of the reasons for doing the research was to pressure the NIH and CDC into doing it.

“My Johns Hopkins research team is leading a long-term study of natural immunity because the NIH and CDC are not doing it,” he said. “They have $50 billion and 30,000 employees and yet can’t seen to conduct one of the most important studies we need done to inform the public.”

Dr. Makary appears to be vindicated by the CDC’s results.

CDC epidemiologist Benjamin Silk reacted to the report on a call shortly before its public release.

“Before the Delta variant, COVID-19 vaccination resulted in better protection against a subsequent infection than surviving a previous infection,” Silk said, before adding, “Surviving a previous infection now provided greater protection against a subsequent infection than vaccination.”

Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, also weighed in on the findings…

Continue reading the full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] 7 Medical Experts React to CDC’s ‘Bombshell’ Natural Immunity Report – Becker News

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