62% of Nursing Home Residents REFUSE COVID-19 Injections

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Even though according to HHS, seniors are 5 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than the flu, the CDC reports that 62% of nursing home residents are REFUSING COVID-19 boosters.

January 30, 2024: While COVID-19 shots made there way onto the CDC’s recommended childhood vaccine schedule and some colleges are still mandating the mRNA injections for the healthiest demographic of adults, the majority of nursing home residents across America are refusing to take the COVID-19 mRNA injections.

Although according to HHS, seniors are 5 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than the flu, the CDC reports that 62% of nursing home residents are REFUSING COVID-19 boosters. (Wisdom comes with age.)

According to CDC data from January 22, 2024, only 38% of nursing home residents are up-to-date on their COVID-19 boosters (meaning 62% REFUSED them – and likely more would have refused the shots if the decision to be injected had been made with their consent).

The booster vaccination rates of nursing homes varies by state. Not surprisingly, the lowest booster rates of 10-20% are in Republican states such as Texas, Tennessee, Alabama, and Florida.

But wise seniors are not only found in Republican states, you can also see by the map that in California, nursing home residents have a relatively low booster rate of 20%-30% compared to rates of greater than 60% in states like Vermont, and shockingly, North and South Dakota.

What Happened to Protecting Grandma?

Let’s not forget that the global population was guilted into wearing masks, social distancing, locking themselves inside their homes, and then subjecting themselves to highly-toxic experimental gene-editing injections under the premise ‘to protect grandma and grandpa.”

Whether it was California governor Gavin Newsom pushing to add the COVID-19 injections to the required vaccine schedule to attend public schools, or even the CDC adding the shots to the new schedule, any pro-mRNA injection party is going to have a hard time resurrecting the argument that healthy adults and children need to get vaccinated to protect the elderly when only 7% of nursing home workers are up to date on their COVID-19 booster.s

Why Are Nursing Home Residents Refusing COVID-19 Boosters?

The most likely explanation is that nursing home residents witnessed the massive dying of their fellow senior residents due to the COVID-19 mRNA injections.

Increased Deaths in the Elderly Occurred ONLY AFTER the Vaccine Rollout -And the Numbers are Staggering

Per the US Census Bureau, “In 2021, the 85-and-older decreased for the first time in over a decade.” In fact, the 85-and-older demographic group had been steadily increasing in numbers for more than 10 years…. until the 2021 vaccine rollout.

With more than 95% of the elderly being “fully vaccinated”in 2021, they experienced a catastrophic loss of more than 700,000 men and women.

COVID-19 mRNA Injections Should Be Banned Immediately

Now with more than 60% of nursing home residents refusing COVID-19 boosters and only 7% of nursing home residents being up-to-date on their COVID-19 shots, this evidence combined with overwhelming scientific, clinical, and real-world-evidence that the mRNA injections can only cause disease, disabilities, infertility, and death; there are no logical arguments left to advocate for the COVID-19 mRNA injections from a any angle; scientific, clinical, or social responsibility.

Job 12:12: Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?


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