W.H.O. Suddenly Changes It’s View on PCR Tests

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Oh, really! How convenient. Lying and more lying by Fauci, the federal government, and the World Health Organization about covid-19! So exactly how are we supposed to know what the real tests results are… well, they don’t ever want you to know. That’s the whole point. But now since they have their puppet Biden in the white house they want to make him look good like he’s really done something about the virus. Which anyone with one eye and half a brain should know is absolutely false!

If you go to the CDC’s on website and look at the so called covid-19 deaths you will see that it is covering ALL deaths. And go get the averages of total deaths in the U.S. and they are about the same as they have been. So, you tell me, what is really going on here. I think we all know.

The World Health Organization has revised their “PCR” testing methods after revealing the current test produces too many “False positives.” One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.

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