1600+ reports of hair loss following COVID-19 shots

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(LifeSiteNews) – A young Japanese woman began losing her hair one day after she was injected with Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and was almost completely bald a month later, a Chinese news source has reported. 

More than 800 people have reported hair loss and alopecia following COVID-19 jabs to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).  VigiBase, the WHO global database of reported potential side effects of medicinal products, has logged 1,693 reports of autoimmune alopecia, mostly from the US and Europe. 

The young Japanese woman, known as Ayapipipiii, posted a blog on the 31st of July, documenting her extreme hair loss following vaccination. 

Ayapipipiii wrote that she received the first dose of Moderna’s experimental jab on June 29 and felt pain in her arm and weakness, but did not develop a fever.  

The following day, she noticed that she had lost a lot of hair and had developed a rash which she dismissed at the time as due to changes in the weather.  

When she was washing her hair the following day, however, she noticed that the drain hole had clogged with hair and there was more of her hair on the floor. By July 7, just a little more than a week after her vaccination, Ayapipipiii photographed three round bald spots on her head. 

On July 13th, she noticed when she awoke that her pillow was covered with hair. By July 17th Ayapipipiii described feeling the wind on her scalp for the first time in her life. 

She sought medical attention on July 21, and by July 3, she was almost…

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