More than 40% of Americans Experience Illnesses Similar to Poisoning after Receiving COVID-19 Injections

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May 17, 2023: Most Americans are familiar with the unlucky illness of food poisoning. Food poisoning typically results in vomiting, fever, chills, diarrhea, exhaustion, dehydration, and/or other illness symptoms making it impossible to function normally and to go to work or school.

Poisoning (caused by food or other substances) can also result in an unplanned admittance to the emergency room (ER), hospitalization, or death.

According to the Oxford dictionary, a poison is a,“material that causes illness or death when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism.” The harmful effects of poisoning can occur within seconds, minutes or hours of exposure; or even days, weeks, or months later.

What the FDA Calls ‘Side-Effects’ are Illnesses Caused by Poisonous, Toxic Substances

There are a number of ways that poisons cause illness (disease, disabilities) and death. Some poisons are naturally cytotoxic (cause cells to die) including known bioweapons such as diphtheria toxin, cobra venom factor, and ricin. These bioweapon toxins cause cells to die when human cells are directly exposed to the toxins.

Note: One of the early patents on mRNA vaccine lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology explains how the mRNA LNP technology can delivery diphtheria toxin, cobra venom factor, and ricin directly to targeted…

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