Enemies of the State: How Fox News Just Lost Two Titans and Their Credibility as a News Network

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April 24, 2023: As an executive strategist in the biotech industry, I used to run communication workshops based on the principles of communication of Relevance, Credibility, and Impact for industry titans including Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Thermo Fisher Scientific. Because the executives of Fox News do not understand the principles of communications, they have no clue how much credibility they lost with their audience, and more importantly – power in the last few days.

My workshops turned around strategic business units and saved entire departments from being dismantled. Fox News may have benefited on hiring me to conduct these communication exercises with their executives before severing ties with Dan Bongino and Tucker Carlson. Credible influencers have more impact on many members of their audience than their followers’ friends, colleagues, family, and even their spouse. What is left unsaid by an influencer is often more powerful than what it is said by a family member or loved one.

This is a brief synopsis of the principles of Relevance, Credibility and Impact and how Fox news just lost all three.

Read full story: Enemies of the State: How Fox News Just Lost Two Titans and Their Credibility as a News Network

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